Thursday, 18 February 2010

DEAD AIR single May 3 2010

Since entering the womb of the devil and sucking the blood of knowledge TUORavens are coming out with another single, one of five to be released over the next five months, starting May 3 of this year.

The challenge so far has been producing our singles. Creating and writing songs has its challenges, but they come from somewhere within, a voice wanting out, needing to be heard. However, when it comes to producing your single on your own terms and yet still be able to take enough steps back to listen if it's 110 %, can be of great challenge. I say, once you think you got the mix down, play it on as many hi-fi systems you can, and listen for glitches, anything out of ordinary, be honest with what you hear, and make them right. Most of the time it's trial and error but you get there in the end.

TUORavens are trying to pull off the punk DIY ethos, we are our own label, Sonic Fire Records, which basically is a small company consisting of Nina Wagner and Ben Raine and some honest friends who are happy to listen to our work and give us constructive opinions on how to make things better. In todays time, DIY is the way to go. We are not only the creators of our works of art, we are also our own accountants, managers, promoters, producers - building an empire of skills that I am sure will always come in handy. Be ready to do the research, eventually it comes with the territory anyway, and you'll become an artist of knowledge.

TUORavens have the courage to climb the rocky mountains least taken. This takes persistence and discipline. In the beginning more money will always go into a business you believe worth while investing in. However, with the right mind set and a product worth selling, eventually money should come back. But ladies and gents, for money to fill the empty pot has to be decided by the public and if the public doesn't care for your product, then things can get difficult. So everything in life should be done for the love of it. With any business, things take time to grow and unfold in the palm of your hand, and like any child needing nurturing and care, everything takes time to grow.

Next up is our next single - DEAD AIR - to be released May 3 of this year. Very exciting indeed. We're working with a top PR company, one I believe to speak the good ol Ravens language and help us promote the life out of our work. Check out Badge of Friendship if you're searching for some music promotion. I promise you, these people stick to their words, and there's just not enough of those kinds of folks in this world.

Stay honest and true to yourself and all good things shall follow!

Currently figuring out the music video for DEAD AIR - tricky task - so any suggestions please shoot them this way.

Sticky Love,

The Unkindness of Ravens