Thanks goes out to our trusty partners in crime Carly Seller and Noel Faucett. Both are professional photographers with a unique sense of visual style.
Noel is keeping his work hidden from the world at the moment, so once I get a web address from him I'll be sure to show off his work. In order to get a taste of what he's capable of for the moment, pay attention to the projections in the film, 95% of them were his. Pay especially close to the rich black and white film noir imageries...
Carly on the other hand has photographic style that carries a unique taste in attention to groundbreaking detail. Whilst most will miss it, she captures it, with a blend of angles thought out sensitively. This young lady has a fascination with birds (perfect for us, fate has brought us together after all) and her work you can discover here:
We are using one of her images for the WHITE ROAD single due out in June.
Nina & Ben
The Unkindness Of Ravens