Monday, 25 April 2011

Come on, Arise

Now let me see... It's coming up to the end of our third month since we've been back to London... Something like that anyway and all I can say is, it feels like FOREVER. Not that time has stood still, but the days, if they're not broken up with gigs and other work; they're spent in the studio tearing our hair out.

You think with every new record we make, we would be a little bit closer to making it easier for ourselves. But no. With every new record, comes new equipment and new plug-ins and new ideas and new everything... So no matter what happens, art will always stay challenging, it will continuously have obstacles to over come and questions to be figured out. And why shouldn't it be challenging? If art were easy, everyone would be doing it and art would cease to have its unique quality... (this applies to artists with integrity, you know who you are!)

So where are we at? Our album's coming out... We began with June as the release date, then we moved it back to July and now we believe we can definitely make it for August. What we tend to do is set ourselves some pretty impossible deadlines. We don't think they're impossible until we get down and start doing the work. As creators, the biggest learning lesson is time and how to use it wisely. The minute the time surrounding us feels more like pressure rather than a gift, we crumble and all of a sudden things begin to look like an impossible task. The journey in making this record has taught us a lot about its technology, its sound and most importantly its discipline and sacrifice that time allows for us to measure our success by.

Our destiny? Berlin in mid July for about two months. Maybe we'll be able to go to a lake, bath in the steam of summer, play a few shows in and around the city and over all show off a product we sweated over.

It's not easy being a creator. Many trials have to be made before you come out with the perfect vision you've had in mind. My advice though is, keep it simple, don't over-think and if you cease having fun with it, then you're doing something wrong.

Be Punk and be Free.

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